Also see the Original Site of the 1844 Colored Peoples Methodist Episcopal Church
Tax records for the church refer to the following 1880 deed. The metes and bounds in the 1880 deed do not match the size and angle of the current lot. However, a deed from the 1890s shows the Church lot ran back 150 feet from ENM-Rhodesdale Road and had about 60 feet of road frontage at the time. The church has acquired additional land and added to the property over the years. In 2013 the church will purchase what remains of the original 35 acres that Sarah Young owned in 1832.
3 CL 217 - 13 September 1880 - Thomas J. Hicks & Addie M. Hicks, his wife, to Charles Hughes, John H. Thompson, Horris Dobson, Thomas D. Pinder, Lewis H. Young, Enals Waters, Henry Cain, Draper Jackson, and Aaron Deshield, Trustees in Trust of Mount Zion M.E. Church of East New Market for $75: In trust that the said premises shall be used, kept, maintained, and disposed of as a place of Divine Worship for the use of the ministry and membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Beginning at the end of the first line of #2 and runs with said #2 S39/30E 150 feet, S50/30W 60 feet, N39/30W 150 feet, then N50/30E 60 feet to the place of beginning. Further described as Lot No. 3 situated near the Depot of the Dorchester & Delaware Rail Road Company and on the south side of the road leading from East New Market to Crotcher's Ferry and adjoining the lands of Thomas J. Hicks on the East and South and on the West by the land of Ebin Pinket.
I have also posted some of the Faith Community UMC Church related records.