East New Market

Diary Entries

Diary of Emma Edmondson 1854 - 1855


Some terms did not make sense to me even though I was sure I had deciphered the handwriting correctly.  Some terms I may still have wrong.  Email me if you feel I may have messed up a word or you if need any other terms defined.

Amie Demeure = long lasting friends (French)

Bean = a fellow; a chap

Beaux = boy

Berth Hall = the name of a book

Callis = a dance of the period

Candor = the quality of being honest and straightforward

Cambic = a finely woven white linen or cotton fabric

Dissipation = indulgence; intemperance

Elvish = full of fun and high spirits

Ers = bitter

Euchre = a card game

Green Gages = a variety of plum having yellowish-green skin and sweet flesh 

Hase a Sanine = ?

Loo = a card game

Philopena = A present or gift which is made as a forfeit in a social game