East New Market

Diary Entries

Diary of Emma Edmondson 1854 - 1855

In 1854, Emma V. Edmondson was 18 years old and living with her father William V.M. Edmondson in East New Market, Maryland.  Her mother, Elizabeth Greene Edmondson had passed away in 1851 and she did not have any surviving siblings.  Her father was a physician and traveled.  Emma frequently interacted with relatives and nearby neighbors.  On 23 November 1854, Emma V. Edmondson started keeping a diary.  The diary continues through August 6, 1855.

November 23, 1854 - November 30, 1854

December 1, 1854 - December 31, 1854

January 1, 1855 - January 31, 1855

February 1, 1855 - February 28, 1855

March 1, 1855 - March 31, 1855

April 1, 1855 - April 10, 1855

There are no pages for May 1855 and June 1855

July 5, 1855 - July 31, 1855

August 1, 1855 - August 6, 1855

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