East New Market

Commercial Directories

Dorchester County Commercial Directory

Elliott 1908-1909

"Located in Dorchester County, on Fishing Bay, 30 miles from Cambridge, 
8 miles from Nanticoke, the shipping station, and 100 miles from Baltimore. 
Daily stage to Vienna, the nearest banking point. Population 200.  
A.M. Moore, postmaster.”

Barrett, Rev. T.S.                     (note: a post office opened here on
Hurley, E.K., justice of the peace      2/27/1883, with Samuel W. Morse as
Jones, J.W., general store              the postmaster.)
Jones, H.M., contr. and builder
Moore, A.M., general store & postmaster
Stewart, Robert, blacksmith 

Local Farmers:             farmers, contd.
Elliott, Edmond J. 
Elliott, E.J.              Hurley, McLain
Elliott, Jesse             Hurley, W.C.
Elliott, Vernon            Jones, E.P.
Elliott, S.                Jones, S.W.
Evans, John                Jones, W.E., Jr
Ewell, Swain R.            Moore, Charles
Ewell, W.T.                Moore, I.T.
Foxwell, William           Moore, S.W.
Gray, Abihu
Gray, James
Gray, Neal
Horseman, George