East New Market

Commercial Directories

Dorchester County Commercial Directory

Golden Hill 1908-1909

Is located in the southwestern part of Dorchester County, 18 miles southwest 
of Cambridge, the banking town and shipping point. Shipments can also be made 
by boat at Taylor’s Island landing, and Wingate’s Point. Population 125. 
Joseph H. Vane, postmaster.” (the P.O opened 10/23/1841 and closed 12/31/1943)

Applegarth, William F., general store             local farmers, contd.:
    & cannery                                     Jarrett, Samuel
Bradshaw, J. William, blacksmith                  Jones, Eugene
Bradshaw, Joseph W., saw and                      Keene, John
    grist mill                                    Keene, Levin
Keene, Charles E., genl store                     Keene, Louis B
Keene, John F., fisherman                         Keene, R.H. 
Mills, George C. & Co, genl store                 Meekins, Aaron
Shenton, Joseph B., contractor,                   Meekins, Wilbur
    builder and undertaker                        Mills, G.G.
Shenton, W.G.& Son, genl store                    Mills, Charles R.
Spicer, L.T., saw and grist mill,                 Newcomb, George 
    and lumber                                    Paul, Jeff
Vane, Joseph H., fisherman.                       Paul, William
                                                  Phillips, James E.
Local Farmers:                                    Phillips, John
Abbott, William                                   Riggans, Hicks
Berton, Benjamin                                  Riggans, James
Berton, John                                      Riggans, John
Bishop, William                                   Riggans, Samuel 
Chessor, John                                     Roso, Clem
Chessor, Webb                                     Shenton, Raymond
Dunnock, E.J.                                     Shenton, W.G.
Dunnock, J.A.                                     Shenton, Wm. R.
Enngalls, M.                                      Shenton, George G.
Fitzhugh, A.                                      Shenton, Nelson
Foxwell, Robert                                   Simmons, George 
Gore, John C.                                     Spicer, A.F.
Griffin, Joseph W.                                Spicer, James
Grotee, Colfax C.                                 Tubman, Julian
Grotee, Festus                                    Waters, George 
Hubbard, Charles W.                               Wallace, Sleighter 
Hubbard, George                                   Wilson, Geo. A.A. 
Hughes, Frank