East New Market

Commercial Directories

Dorchester County Commercial Directory

Reliance 1908-1909

“Located in the eastern part of Dorchester County, 25 miles from Cambridge,
and 2 from Oak Grove, Del., the shipping station on the Camb. & Seaford branch
of the Phil, Wilm, & Balto RR. Seaford, 6 miles distant, is the banking town.
Population is 60. Mail RFD, Oak Grove, Del. “

(Note: the P.O. was opened on 3/27/1882, with Charles M. Phillips as P/M.
 It was closed on 8/31/1903).

Business Person:

Downs, James, blacksmith           
Hackett, F.M., general store       
Smith, W.M.& Bro., general store and grist mill
Waller, Thomas, carpenter

Area Farmers: 
Adams, Edward             Waller, S.T.
Benson, George H.         West, S.P.
Bradley, C.G.             Wheatley, Edgar
Bradley, T.J.             Wheatley, Herman
Clemmons, William         Wheatley, O.J.
Colaway, Jackson          Wheatley, Joseph
Cole, S.H.                Williams, J.M.
Downs, J.                 Williams, M.L.
Handy, W.H.               Willin, John M.C.
Handy, I.W.K              Wright, Frank
Handy, George             Wright, J.W.
Jones, Noah               Wright, John N.
Lankford, Frank           Wright, R. Lee
Lankford, Martin
Milagon, Hanson
Phillips, Hugh
Phillips, J.W.
Phillips, Levin
Rittenhouse, L.A.
Tull, Lewis
Tull, W.
Vincent, Clarence
Wainwright, James