Dorchester County Commercial Directory
1912-1914 East New Market
“ An incorporated town of 500 inhabitants, situated on the Cambridge & Seaford
Branch of the Phila, Wilm, & Balto. RR, 12 miles east of Cambridge, & 100 miles
from Baltimore, and 2 miles from Secretary Creek, the steamboat landing.”
Business Persons: Business, cont’d.
Baker, J.A., horses Saxton, Clarence L, blacksmith
Boston, James E., blacksmith & agricultural implements
Camper, F.H.., mason Saxton, J.A., grain
Collins, Thomas H., butcher Stevens, E.W. Co.,auto supplies
East New Market Mattress Co Smith, Saml J.T., livestock
East New Market Packing Co. Webster, Charles, canner
Gambrill, Thomas, carpenter Webster, Samuel L., miller & creamery
Helsby, Mrs. B.F., milliner Webster, S.L. & Co., manf. of shirts
Henry, J.C., general store Willis, Charles H., hardware
Holland, E.& Co., general store, etc. Willoughby, Howard H., furniture
Hooper, E.L., hotel (Hotel Chesadel) & undertaker
Howard, L.C.., genl mdse Wright, Isaac, nurseryman
Howard, M.G., general store Wrightson, R.T., baker
Hubbard, O.W., dealer in fertilizers
Jones, E.L., physician
Kinney, J.H., general store
Lord, E.E. Jr.,general store
May, S.J., grist mill
Millard, Frank, machinist
Millenson, J., dry goods, etc
Nichols, H.F., physician
Old Dorset Pharmacy, T.O.,
Jefferson, proprietor
Pegelow, Frederick, shoemaker
Reed, Georgia
ENM Farmers, 1912-1914:
Baker, J.A.
Camper, F.H.
Crane, Levi
Demott, Clark Warren
Gambrill, J.R.
Hackett, Alton J.
Hicks, George
Hubbard, O.W.
Hurst, Joseph
Isenberg, George W.
Nichols, L.W.
Payne, William J.
Reed, A.J.
Ross, C.N.
Ross, W.E.
Ryan, John
Saxton, E.L.
Saxton, J.A.
Smith, James M.
Smith, M.J.T.
Spence, John S.
Stedman, William
Taylor, T.J.
Tilghman, W.G.
Townsend, J.F.
Webster, L.
Woollen, Albert
Woollen, W.J.
Wright, Frederick
Wright, I.H.
Wright, J.B.
Young, Louis