(Collection of Karen Nicholson, Arlington, VA)
[Letter addressed Emily Willis, Dorchester County]
Baltimore May 8, 1827
My Dear Sister,
The morning I went to Uncle Gadsburys (?) I sent my trunk, and banbox down by water to the vessel, but they never got there untill about 12 o'clock at night, for the wind blew so hard, that the barge filled half full of water, and all aunt Betsy's things, got very wet, and likewise your banbox. We never started untill Thursday morning, and then I had the pleasures of riding with T. (?) we got as far as Oxford, the same day, Cousin John Willis came on board and made me go a shore, and stay all night, and then I started on fry day evening with Cousin William, and Aunt Nancy Willis, and cousin Elizabeth, went likewise, we arrived in Baltimore on Saturday Morning about 6 0'clock, and found all our acquaintances in good health except Edward, he is sick Mary Fitckette (?), and cousin Louisa are both here, but they are a going home this week, and likewise Mary Wright. O the pleasure I have seen, the few days I have been here we all went to the Museum last night, we are engaged to spend this evening with Mcdonnal, and likewise tomorrow evening with Ann Bowdle (?), I have got nothing new since I have been here, Henrietta Davy has got our bonnets to do up. Aunt has sold our soap, but has not got the money for it yet Mary Titchette (?), and Louisa are a coming up to see you, as soon as they get home, sister Emily tell Papa, to please to send Aunt Botton (?) a bot (?) of larde, for she has not got any, and I want you to send her my least basket feel full of eggs if you can I have nothing new to relate at present, Aunt Botton (?) Aunt Gouthcomb (?); sends a great deal of love to Papa, give my love to every lady that enquires for me, and in particular to cousin Louisa, tell her she must write to me by the vessel please to tell Aunt Betsy Rawlins, that I cannot get a gimp (?) bonnet for Elizabeth, for less than three dollars a yard, the best gadnap (?), which is the most worn and it will wear excellent, please to write to me and let me know how Mrs Lamolin (?) is, for I am anxious to here from home, please to excuse bad writing, for I never had such a pen do not let any person see this letter, except sister Margaret Ann and cousin Louisa, give my love to Sister and tell her she must write to me, Henrietta Davy and Ann Barrier, sends a great deal of love to her, Ann Barrier is one of the strickest methodists, on the point, there has been a great revival in Baltimore Mary Fitchette, cousin Louisa, cousin Margaret, all join me in love to you, sister Margaret Ann, and cousin Louisa there is no new frock patrons (?), they are all cut like ours and cousin Jane Hardcasthes (?), black silk, they put a few gethers (?) in the bosom, in stead of pleats No more at present, so I remain your affectionate Sister untill death I am in great haste.
Harriett Willis