(Collection of Karen Nicholson, Arlington, VA)
Friday morning
April 25th 1856
My Dearest Brother,
I this morning received your sweet and much wished for letter --- O, my Brother, it was such a pleasure to read the lines penned by my only own brother one that I love so dearly, and from whom there is nothing is this world but death can sever, yes I believe I love you more daily although we are separated on earth. I hope we will be united in Heaven --- and in earth. I hope we are united in love --- I am well and hope you and Sallie are both enjoying good health --- It is really very healthy in New Market --- no sickness in or around New Market, I forgot there was one death from old age and pleurisy combined Old Mrs. Vickers --- Mer Tobert Troth's (?) mother she was very old --- Mer John Hearper and or Miss Beckwith were married last week.
Our court is in session. Bro. William has to attend every day. I told him what you said about Capt. Woolen --- he says he will see him, and have it attended to as soon as he can: but the Capt. is in Baltimore at this time --- left here last week --- Mer Thomas K Smith will be up May 5th he is well and so are the children --- he says he got some money for you, but not much --- he got it from Mr. Kelley --- I see him, this morning and had a long talk --- Miss Annie Green went home last night ----Bro. William brought her home she is well and sent her best love to you and says she shall never forget the pleasure she had with you and hopes to have it over and over again --- Mrs. Manning has gone back to the brick house --- I read that piece you wrote about Bro. William aloud this morning. Mr. Twilley and Sis Lizzie were present (Sis Lizzie is paying us a visit) they were delighted --- thought it so good. Sis Lizzie sends her love to you both, and says you must write another piece in your next --- about him (Bro. William) if he should come --- tell him the old woman objects --- says he is a nice fellow, such a convenience, and that her old beau the Capt. at the corner, says he cannot get her --- it worries him very much; but don't plague him to much for he is good natured and that will be sure to make angry --- report (?) says he is very much pleased with Mary Liaaier Barron as for the truth of the report. I can't say but he goes to see her very often---
Brother William went to Salisbury and took his New Market belle --- Em is very well. She says she shall ever love you and I never get a letter from her she don't ask for you, and when I heard says those days were happy and she can never forget them. Bro. William & I is Lizzie join me in sending love to you and Sallie. Give my love to all of Miss Ann & Miss Mary's family also the Ctrastians (?) when you see them, to Cousin Tom & family and tell him his sister is very well. Write soon my dear Brother to a Sister that does and will always love you. Good-bye and "May God bless you!
The same devoted Sister until death.