East New Market


Denton Journal

5 December 1908 - Federalsburg's Electric Company

The Idlewild Electric Light, Heat, and Power Company is now erecting feed lines to Hurlock, which town will be lighted.  Thence the system will go to East New Market, where the company has a contract.  For some time Federalsburg has been lighted by electricity.  The following gentlemen are members of the board of directors:  Thomas H. Chambers, John F. Disharoon, James B. Wright, George E. Noble, Thomas J. Williams, Alonzo Elliott, of Federalsburg; Francis P. Corkran, of Hurlock; Charles Webster, of East New Market; Hazelton A. Joyce Jr., of Cambridge.  The directors at their first meeting elected the following officers:  T.H. Chambers, president; James B. Wright, vice-president; H.A. Joyce Jr., secretary and treasurer; J.F. Disharoon, general manager.