East New Market


Baltimore Sun

December 6, 1914 - Fire Causes $35,000 Loss

Hotel, Several Stores and Homes Destroyed at East New Market

East New Market, Md., December 6 - A fire, which started in J.M. Millington's general store here tonight, destroyed the store, the Chesadel Hotel, Jefferson's drug store, the residence and barbershop of Charles Morgan and the shoe store of Frank Degelow.  The total loss is placed at $35,000.

All of the buildings burned were two-story frame structures, with the exception of the hotel, which is a three-story frame building.  There were several guests in the hotel, besides the manager, Edward L. Hooper and his wife, but they all escaped.  The flames had gained great headway in Millington's store when discovered.  The fire leaped over a 10-foot alley south to the hotel.

The greatest loss was sustained by  the hotel, the amount being placed at $15,000.  It is owned by Mrs. Wales, who is also the owner of the Millington store, where  the damage to the building is put at $3,000 and to the stock of goods $7,000.  There is no insurance on the hotel, but the Millington store and the stock are partly insured.

The stock loss at the Jefferson drug store will amount to $2,000, and the building loss at $1,500.  The building and stock damage of Morgan's residence and shop is placed at about $3,000, while Mr. Pegelow's loss is estimated at $1,500.  The building was owned by W.F. Drain of Cambridge, and his loss will be $1,500.  The Cambridge Fire Department was summoned , but the local department had succeeded in extinguishing the blaze before its arrival.