East New Market


Upper Dorchester News

July 14, 1925 - East New Market

Mrs. Fanny Oliver has returned to her home at Washington, D.C., after spending two weeks with Mrs. H.E. Oliver.

Rev. and Mrs. Ledbetter and children have moved into the Baptist Parsonage, he having accepted a call to serve the East New Market-Hurlock-Vienna charge.

Miss Agnes Smith is spending some time with friends in Washington, D.C.

Rev. Francis W. Kerwin, of Philadelphia, spent several days this week with Rev. William McClelland.

Mrs. W.J. Crowe, who has been on the sick list for the past ten days, left on Sunday for Royal Oak, where she will spend a month to recuperate.

Little Miss Margaret Rose Blake was quite sick last week, but is convalescent at present writing.

Mrs. Frank Webster left on Tuesday for Baltimore, where she will spend a week with relatives.

Miss Evelyn Higgins has returned to Cambridge where she will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Higgins.

Wheat threshing in this locality is about completed for the season, attention seems to be centered on the prospect of a very large cucumber crop just now.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Willoughby visited Easton and St. Michaels on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Metz and children and Miss Edna Varnes motored to Ocean City on Sunday, and on their return reported a heavy rain in that section.

Mrs. Alton Hackett has returned to Philadelphia, after spending a week with her sister, Mrs. J.B. Wright and relatives in Preston.

Misses Katherine and Gertrude Robey, of Philadelphia, were weekend guests of Mrs. T.K. Wheatley.

Rev. William McClelland is spending this week at Camp Davenport, which is located on the Choptank River near Trappe, where he is in charge for the week.

Miss Hilda Hudson has returned home after spending two weeks with her uncle, Rev. E.L. Hudson at Waterford, Virginia.

Miss Edna Frances Henry, of Philadelphia, who is spending the summer with her aunt, Mrs. J.B. Wright, returned from Cambridge on Tuesday, after visiting Mrs. Winfield Webster for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. J.K. Nicholson spent Sunday with friends at Church Creek.  Mr. Nicholson has been sick in bed part of the week.

Rev. and Mrs. E.L. Hudson and son, of Waterford, Virginia, are guests of his brother, Rev. J.A. Hudson.

The Ushers Union will hold a picnic at Cedar Grove next Tuesday afternoon.  A basket lunch will be carried by each party for supper.

The Fish Supper which the Methodist Ladies Aid held on Wednesday afternoon a the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Patten, proved to be quite unique.   The afternoon although very warm, promised to be favorable.  The men had placed the stoves on the banks of the Choptank.  The fish were frying, tables set, and odors were sharpening appetites, when the first appearances of a cloud were seen.  Promptly at five o'clock supper was served to the first table full, who did full justice to delicious fish just off the pan, sliced ham, deviled eggs, potato salad, pickles, hot cornbread, rolls, biscuit, ice tea and hot coffee.   Ice cream was also for sale.  The second table was not so lucky.  The shower came and they were forced   to seek shelter in automobiles and porches, but they carried their plates, and completed the meal even under difficulties.  The ladies not to be daunted, spread a dry tablecloth, and reset the table and served again, only to be greeted with a second shower.   This was the climax.  The ladies made expenses, and a small profit, but had the showers held off an hour longer the supper would have been in every way a success.   There is a whisper that it may be tried again later in the summer.

Mrs. Joseph Marino and Miss Lynch have returned to their homes in Baltimore after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown.   Mrs. Robert Rooks, of Jersey City, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Brown this week.

Prof. and Mrs. Leland Meyers, of Georgetown, Kentucky, are spending the summer from now until the College opens in the fall at their cottage at Green Point.

Miss Sallie Collins, of Baltimore, who has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith, has returned home.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Jefferson and little Miss Marguerite Jefferson spent the weekend with Mrs. Ellen Jefferson.

Miss Marjorie Lee Willoughby, of Hurlock, who has been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. H.H. Willoughby, left Monday to visit a cousin in Salisbury for the week.

Mr. S.L. Webster spent a part of this week with Mr. and Mrs. Roland Webster in Hurlock.

Mrs. Mary K. Willey and Miss Mary Bramble Willey left Tuesday for Baltimore to spend the week with relatives.

Mr. Arlington Baker has returned to the Middle West and is attending Summer School a the University of Illinois.   Mr. Baker has been teaching in an Ohio College for several years.

Mr. Charles Webster Jr. attended a house party at Betterton over last weekend.

Miss Hilda Hudson is attending the Dover Epworth League Institute, which convened last Saturday and continues for ten days.

Sunday morning the pulpit at the Methodist Church was filled by Rev. Mr. Bradley of Secretary, while Rev. J.A. Hudson was in his place.   Mr. Bradley is young in the ministry, but with his talent and ability one feels sure he will be a successful worker.  In the evening Rev. E.L. Hudson, of Waterford, Va., delivered the sermon.   A vocal solo by Rev. E.L. Hudson in the morning, a duet by Rev. and Mrs. Hudson at the evening service were among the special musical features for the day.   Mr. Hudson played the violin with the orchestra.

A very enjoyable birthday party was given at Mr. J.E. Patten's on Thursday afternoon for Mr. J.B. Wright.  Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Loomis, Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Patten, Mrs. Alton Hackett, Mrs. Earl Wright and children, Bowdle, Hunter, and Bobbie, and Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Wright.  Supper was served on the lawn by the river, and before removing the dishes Mr. Wright was presented with a number of fine and useful gifts, among them being a purse of gold.