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8 March 1974 - Little Manning House Dates Back to 1800

Built around 1800, the Little Manning House in 1852 passed by will from Major Anthony Manning to his son, Dr. Anthony L. Manning. Six years later, the house passed by will from Dr. Manning to his sister Mrs. Eugenia S. Thomas, better known as "Aunt Jennie" Thomas.

In 1916, in Chancery Court, the property was divided. The dwelling and land as now owned were sold to Emma E. Stapleforte. The following year, the house was sold to Harry E. Parker who retained it for 26 years, selling it in 1943 to Edward Messick. It became the property of the East New Market Baptist Church by purchase in 1965.

Little Manning House consists of six rooms and three porches. There are three large downstairs fireplaces. A kitchen fireplace is closed, but the large outside chimney is used. The largest upstairs bedroom has one fireplace. On the northwest side of the house is a quaint stairway. Wide paneling may be found in some parts of both floors.

Most unusual is the weatherboard showing in the dining room and south end of the kitchen. It is of remarkable width and thickness. At the rear of the house, which is pegged , stands a log room whose date of construction is not known. A pegged barn of heavy hewn timbers and early architectural lines was torn down some years ago.