The 1896-1910 Tax Record for District 2 of Dorchester County was not separated by the town of East New Market. For this list I only transcribed land, dwellings, and stock in trade and peopled identified as being in the town of East New Market. Thus I did not include land on the edges of East New Market or on the road to/from East New Market etc. I also did not include livestock, carriages, pianos, bicycles, furniture etc.
Mrs. Rebecca Andrews
1896 - Lot in the town of ENM 1 acre $200
Buildings & improvements $1300
Mrs. Gertrude Andrew
1896 - Farm known as "Friendship Hall" on east side of road from ENM to
Vienna adjoining the lands of Geo Hicks, R.H. Stevens & others
containing 200 acres $4000
improvements $1000
15 acres of land at ENM Depot $150
1 lot in ENM on west side of the street leading to Cambridge opposite
the M.E. Church adjoining the lands of Mrs. Maggie Dean & Mr. J.T. Smith
3/4 acre $200
Improvements including tenant house $2000
Madora Andrew
1896 - 1 lot land on south side of Street leading to Secretary in East
New Market 60x170 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
1 piano $40, household furniture $110
10 May 1898 - reduced by piano removed to Baltimore and household
furniture sold
Tilghman Andrew
1896 - 1 lot in ENM on south side of the street leading to the Depot 1/4
acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $900
William J. Abdell
1896 - 1 organ $50, household furniture $88
22 May 1903 - Dwelling in EMN $100
5 May 1910 - Lot opposite Baptist Church ENM from Mrs. Jas. H. Thomas
Lida Austine
1896 - 1 lot in ENM on north side of Railroad Ave. 1 acre $100
Dwelling house $750
Stable & Carriage house $50, Meat House $10
Miss Ida Bramble
1896- Lot in ENM on north side of Railroad Ave. 120x300 feet $200
Dwelling house $800
5 January 1909 - Insolvent
John A. Baker
1896 - House & lot in ENM 4 acres ground $15
Bessie Baker
1896 - 1 lot on the east side of Main St. in ENM containing 1/4 acre $75
Buildings & improvements $575
John Blades
2 May 1905 - 1/4 acre on north side of Railroad Ave ENM from Mrs. A.E.
Charles $200
16 May 1905 - New dwelling $600, Barn $200
W.E. Bonner
20 May 1898 - Blacksmith Shop from E.W. Reid $300
3 January 1898 - reduced by Blacksmith Shop to A.M. Charles $300
(verified dates are correct)
Mary W. Charles, minor (Ellen M. Charles, guardian)
5 May 1910 - Lot in ENM from Mary A. Elliott $200
Buildings & improvements $400
Francis Camper
27 April 1898 - Land on the north side of the road from ENM to Cambridge
adjoining lands of T.J. Helsby, S.E. Collins & others containing 17
acres $425
12 June 1906 - Lot adjoining the town of ENM on the north side of road
leading to Cambridge containing 3 1/2 acres $88 and Dwelling house from
Mrs. B.F. Helsby $122
Mrs. Annie E. Charles
1896 - land on the north side of Railroad Ave. in the town of ENM 1 1/4
acre $300
19 May 1899 - 1 new Dwelling $1200 [ENM?, also owned store at depot]
2 May 1905 - reduced by 1/4 acre land on north side of RR Ave. EMN to
John Blades $200
Hester Camper
1896 - Lot on north side of county road from ENM to Cambridge adjoining
lands of S.E. Collins & others containing 1/2 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $25
18 May 1904 - New house on road from ENM to Cambridge $250
W.T Collins
24 May 1910 - 2 mules $200
T.H. & W.T. Collins
25 May 1907 - 3 horses $150, 1 colt $25, wagon $10, Dearborn $15,
Carriage $15, house furniture $50
Mrs. Hattie Creighton
1896 - 1/4 acre land in ENM on road leading to depot with improvements
8 February 1898 - reduced by 1/4 acre land in ENM with improvement to
W.F. Drain $500
Samuel E. Collins
1896 - Farm containing 39 acres $585
Buildings $200
2 houses $1000 & 1/4 acre lot in ENM $290
1 grass lot near ENM 2 1/2 acres $100
1 mare $50, 1 cow & calf $20, 2 hogs $8, 2 carriages $55, 1 wheel barrow
$2, 1 organ $10, household furniture $139
25 May 1899 - reduced by personal in hands of Administrator, J.C.
By farm containing 39 acres to Charles E. John F, Thomas W.H., and Wm T.
Collins, sons of S.E. Collins by Will. Buildings on same to same.
1 house and part of the 1/4 acre lot to Adeline D. Collins, his
daughter, by Will (home place)
1 grass lot in ENM 2 1/2 acres to Adeline D. Collins
1 house & lot in ENM adjoining home place to Elizabeth T. Connard,
daughter of S.E.C.
Samuel E. Collins Estate (Jas. C. Johnson, Administrator)
25 May 1899 - assetts as per register's return $512
20 May 1910 - reduced by estate closed as per register's return
William Carmine
1896 - 2 hogs $12, household furniture $80
17 February 1899 - Insolvent
Charles E, John F., Thomas W.H., and William T. Collins (sons of S.E.
Collins, deceased)
25 May 1899 - 39 acres from S.E. Collins by Will $585
Buildings on same $200
Adeline D. Collins
25 May 1899 - Lot in ENM from S.E. Collins by Will $145
Dwelling & improvements on same $500
1 grass lot near ENM 2 1/2 acres from same $100
ENM Creamery Company
1896 - 1 acre $100
Building & Machinery $1100
John G. Collins
31 May 1898 - personal property in hand of administrator
Celia R. Collins
1896 - lot on the north side of road from ENM to Secretary in ENM with
improvements $800
Annie Carmine
3 May 1904 - Land in ENM on east side of street leading to Cambridge,
1/4 acre from Mary L. Smith $100, Dwelling & improvements $500
1910 - to John C. Carmine
Elizabeth T. Connard (husband Lynn Connard)
25 May 1899 - Lot in town of ENM from Samuel E. Collins, her father, by
Will $145
Buildings & improvements on same from same $500
Cambridge and Seaford Railroad Co.
28 May 1907 - New Depot at ENM Station $900
Richard Dixon
17 May 1898 - House & Lot on west side of Main St. in ENM from W.R.
Sherman $1200
26 July 1906 - reduced by house & lot on west side of Main St. in ENM to
Wm J. Payne.
Clark W. Demott
11 March 1910 - 1 dwelling at ENM from Edmund E. Lord $500
1 lot 30x300 from Edmund E. Lord $100
Mrs. Maggie Dean
1896 - Land on north side of road from ENM to Cambridge adjoining lands
of T.J. Helsby, S.E. Collins, and others containing 17 acres $425
27 May 1897 - reduced by land to Francis Camper
William F. Drain
8 February 1898 - 1/4 acre in ENM with improvements from Mrs. Hattie C.
Creighton $500
C.W. Demott
13 January 1909 - Lot on road from ENM to Depot containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
Tenant house from Charles M. Scott $100
19 May 1910 - 3 1/2 acres land from Mrs. W.W. Fletcher $105
Eastern Shore Trust Company
24 May 1910 - Banking Building $1700
Mary A. Elliott
1896- 1 lot in ENM on south side of Main St. adjoining property of Dr.
Jacobs & Frank Webster $200, Buildings & improvements $400
1 house on leased land on Railroad Ave. $25
5 May 1910 - reduced by house on leased land to C.L. Saxton
lot in ENM with buildings & improvements to M.W. Charles
East New Market Packing Company
22 May 1903 - Canning house & fixtures $1400
Mrs. Mary Fraley [ENM?]
1896- 2 acre lot $80, improvements $170
May 1909 - reduced 2 acre lot & improvements to William Novlochek.
Mrs. William M. Fletcher
1896 - 1 lot in ENM with store & dwelling $3400
31 acres land lying between ENM and the Depot $930
16 May 1905 - Lot 50x118 in ENM from Wm. R. Sherman $200
1 May 1906 - reduced by 1 acre near depot at ENM to Charles Teel &
Samuel J. Curtis $30
31 May 1904 - reduced by 3 lots 1/2 acre each to Mary J. Cheeseman $150
reduced by 1 lot 1/4 acre to John E. Maxwell $50
reduced by 2 lots 60x300 feet each to Lida M. Smith $200
reduced by 1 lot (2 streets) 80x300 to E.E. Lord $100
reduced by 1 lot 50x118 to Wm. R. Sherman $200
16 May 1905 - reduced by lot & dwelling in ENM to C.A. & Henrietta
Wright $2400
1 May 1906 - reduced by 1 acre near depot in ENM to John A. Baker $30
23 January 1902 - insolvent
May 1909 - reduced by storehouse & lot to E.L. Holland & Co. $850
reduced by 1 lot 25x50 feet and by 1 lot 112x108 feet to Thos. W.
Collins $150
reduced by 2 1/2 acres between ENM & Depot to Leroy Lankford $75
19 May 1910 - reduced by 2 acres to E.C. Bell $60
reduced by 1 3/4 acres between ENM & Depot to E.C. Bell $52
reduced by 3 1/2 acres between ENM & Depot to C.W. Demott $105
reduced by 1/3 acre between ENM & Depot to Wm Stedman $10
Mary A. Gambriel
1896 - 1 lot in ENM on west side of street leading to the Depot 40x125
feet with improvements $500
Charles V. Helsby
18 May 1906 - stock of merchandise $100
5 January 1909 - insolvent
Mrs. B.F. Helsby
1896 - 1 lot in ENM 60x300 feet $200
Dwelling house $1000
Store house $200
Barn, Stable & outbuildings $100
1 lot adjoining ENM on the north side of road leading to Cambridge 3 1/2
acres $88
Dwelling house $112
Stock in trade $300
12 June 1906 - reduced by 3 1/2 acre lot & dwelling house to Frank
Helen Helsby
1896 - 1 store house in ENM $1000
Dwelling & lot adjoining store house $600
2 small dwellings & lots near the store house $500
2 building lots adjoining Miss Madora Andrews near ENM Academy $200
J.M. Humphrey
May 1909 - Lot on south side of road leading from ENM to Secretary in
town of ENM from R.W. Randall $225
Dwelling & Improvements $1275
George Hicks
1896 - Farm known as Friendship Hall on east side of ENM on south side
of road leading ENM to C&S RR Station containing 75 acres $1875.
Dwelling & outbuildings $1800
1 dwelling house $100
Katie Hurst
1896 - lot on west side of Main St. in ENM 60x150 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $300
1 lot on north side of road from ENM to Secretary 32x42 feet $50
Butcher shop $50
21 May 1907 - reduced by lot on Main St. ENM 60x150 & dwelling &
5 January 1909 - insolvent
Benjamin F. Harvey
1896 - 1 lot on road from ENM to Depot containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
Tenant House $100
1 lot containing 1/8 acre $50
Dwelling & improvements $250
23 May 1903 - reduced by all real property to Charles M. Scott
W.A. Henry
1896 - 1 lot in ENM on east side of Main St. adjoining Mrs. Sallie
Leckie and the parsonage containing 1 acre $300
Dwelling & improvements $1000
Stock in merchandise $2500
3 May 1898 - reduced by abatement on stock merchandise $900
2 May 1902 - reduced by abatement on stock merchandise $1600
8 May 1903 - reduced by 1 acre lot in ENM on east side of Main St and
dwelling and improvements to Wm. T. Hubbard
Lina Hughes
1896 - 1 lot in ENM on north side of road from ENM to Cambridge $100
Dwelling & improvements $100
William T. Hubbard
8 May 1903 - 1 lot in ENM on east side of Main St. adjoining Mrs. Sallie
Leckie and the parsonage containing 1 acre $300.
Dwelling & improvements from W.A. Henry $1000
1908 - reduced by all property to O.W. Hubbard
Margaret L.F. Hasbrouck
1896 - 1 lot on Railroad Avenue 100x300 feet $50
Dwelling & improvements $350
19 May 1898 - reduced by real property sold to Harry Lippincott
8 June 1899 - person left county
Everett Holland
19 May 1898 - Lot in ENM 3/4 acre $200
New Dwelling & improvements $400
4 April 1903 - Stock of merchandise from Reid & Bro. $600
18 May 1906 - Improvement to Dwelling $400
8 June 1908 - Barn in rear of dwelling $125
E.C. Holland & Company
May 1909 - 1 store house and lot from W.M. Fletcher $850
Wm R. Hurst & George W. Woolford
18 May 1906 - House & lot in ENM from Mrs. S.P. Leckie $700
Improvement on Dwelling $200
1910 change to Mrs. Mary A. Reid
Thomas D. Hooper
1896 - property in ENM, the Old Homestead of Wm R. Hooper $800
The M.S. Fletcher lot adjoining above $700
Carriage shop adjoining C.C. Rawlings $500
26 April 1907 - reduced by "Old Homestead" to J.M. Reid
reduced by carriage shop to Howard Willoughby
George P. Jones
1896 - lot on east side of Main St. in ENM containing 2 acres $400
Dwelling $800, office $100
Barn, Stable, & other outbuildings $300
15 May 1902 - by person in hands of administrator
3 June 1903 - All real property to Maria A, Georgia P, and Mary Jones
Martie and Hilda Johnson
1896 - House & lot on north side of Railroad Avenue in ENM $1000
Maria A, Georgia P, and Mary Jones
1903 - lot on east side of Main St. in ENM containing 2 acres
Dwelling $800, office $100, barn & other outbuildings $300
Thomas Jackson
1896 - 1 lot on the north of ENM $25
Dwelling $75
Emma V.E. Jacobs
1896 - 1 lot with Dwelling, Stables, Corn House &c in ENM $1800
1 lot near M.E. Church on road from ENM to Vienna 3 acres $105
28 June 1909 - reduced by personal property, Emma E. Jacobs
Elbridge S. Johnson
1896 - 1 store house & dwelling in ENM $1500
1 cottage $600, 1 cottage $600
E.E. Lord Jr.
22 May 1903 - Dwelling at ENM $500
31 May 1904 - 1 lot (2 streets) at ENM 80x300 feet from W.M. Fletcher
May 1909 - reduced by Dwelling at ENM and 1 lot (2 sts) 80x300 feet to
E.E. Lord Sr.
Mrs. Sarah P. Leckie
1896 - House & Lot in ENM
1 lot between the S.E. Collins & the Hooper property
18 May 1906 - reduced by House & Lot in ENM to Hurst & Woolford
Leroy Lankford
May 1909 - 2 1/2 acres between ENM & Depot from Mrs. W.M. Fletcher $75
Harry Lippencott
19 May 1898 - 1 lot on Railroad Avenue 100x300 feet from Margaret
Edmund E. Lord
May 1909 - Dwelling at ENM $500 and Lot (2 streets) 80x300 feet from
E.E. Lord Jr.
John E. Maxwell
9 May 1903 - New Dwelling $475
1/2 acre lot in ENM from Stewart Maxwell $125
1 lot in ENM $75
22 May 1903 - Addition to Dwelling $75
31 May 1904 - 1/4 acre lot from W.M. Fletcher
Stewart Maxwell
19 May 1898 - 1/2 acre lot in ENM $125
New dwelling, not finished, but occupied $475
9 May 1903 - reduced all real property to John E. Maxwell
Georgianna Melvin
21 May 1902 - Lot in ENM $150
Dwelling & improvements from C.W. Reed $650
C.W. Meyer
1896 - Lot in ENM adjoining the property of S.L. Webster & W.R. Sherman
Dwelling & improvements $800
Stock in trade $1200
19 May 1898 - Improvement to Dwelling $100
18 June 1899 - reduced by stock in trade sold to Hubbard & Watkins
Charles E. Morgan
16 May 1905 - Household furniture $75, barber fixtures $50
Wilber F. Newton
1896 - 1 vacant lot in ENM adjoining E.W. Reed & W.R. Sherman
(1910? to Chas. Webster)
Mr F.H. Newton [ENM?]
1896 1/8 acre land $30, improvements $200
William Novlochek
May 1909 - 2 acre lot $80, improvements $170
William J. Payne
26 July 1904 - House & Lot on west side of Main St. ENM from Richard H.
Dixon $1200
18 May 1906 - New Dwelling $1000
John Phealan
1896 - 1 lot on north side of Street from ENM to Secretary $100, House
$700 [ENM?]
Fred Pegelow
1896 - Land on south side of road from ENM to the Depot 1 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $300
Stock of Goods $400
Emma Prettyman
1896 - 1 lot on north side of road from ENM to Secretary in ENM 40x140
feet $150
Dwelling & improvements $750
Robert Rook
19 May 1903 - Blacksmith Shop from A.M. Charles $300
10 May 1904 - reduced by Blacksmith Shop to Wm S. Wright
Robert W. Randall
1896 - lot on south side of road from ENM to Secretary in ENM $225
Dwelling & improvements $1275
May 1909 - reduced by lot on south side of road in ENM & dwelling to
J.M. Humphrey
Reed Brothers
19 May 1899 - Stock of Goods at ENM $300
1 June 1900 - increase in stock merchandise $700
13 February 1901 - insolvent
21 April 1903 - reduced by abatement on increase of stock -$100
reduced by stock charged to Everett Holland -$600
Edward W. Reed
1896 - Lot on east side of Main St. in ENM $150
Dwelling $1000, Barn & outbuildings $150
Blacksmith shop on North side of Street from ENM to Secretary $300
1 old house in rear of shop $5
20 May 1898 - reduced by Blacksmith Shop to W.E. Bonner
reduced by lot, dwelling, barn, & outbuildings in ENM to Mary E. Reid
26 June 1900 - insolvent
C.C. Rawlings
1896 - Stock of Goods $150
13 February 1901 - insolvent
Charles W. Reed
1896 - 1 lot in ENM 60x150 feet $150
Dwelling & improvements $650
21 May 1902 reduced by 1 lot, dwelling, & improvements in ENM to
Georgeanna Melvin
10 February 1905 - insolvent
Edward W. Reid, estate (Wm E. Johnson, administrator)
10 June 1897 - Assets per register's return $835
J.M. Reid
26 April 1907 - Property in ENM, the Old Homestead of Wm R. Hooper from
Thos. D. Hooper.
Mary E. Reid
20 May 1898 - Real property from Edward W. Reed $1305
25 April 1901 - reduced by abatement on old house $5
Mary E. Reed, estate (Edward W. & Sarah Reed, administrators)
10 May 1910 - assetts in hand $520
C.L. Saxton
26 April 1907 - House on leased land Railroad Avenue ENM from Mary A.
Elliott $25
6 May 1907 - Blacksmith shop from Wm S. Wright $300
Mary J. Smith
1896 - Lot on west side of Main St in ENM containing 1 1/2 acres $450
Dwelling & improvements $900
William R. Sherman
1896 - House & lot on east side of Main St. in ENM $400
House & lot on west side of Main St. in ENM $1200
17 May 1898 - reduced by house & lot on west side of Main St in ENM to
R.H. Dixon
26 May 1900 - reduced by house & lot on east side of Main St in ENM to
Chas. Webster
13 February 1901 - insolvent
31 May 1904 - Lot 50x118 from Wm M. Fletcher
16 May 1905 - Lot 50x118 to Wm M. Fletcher
James M. Smith
1896 - 1 lot in town of ENM on south side of street from ENM to Station
1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $1000
3 May 1904 - 1/4 acre in ENM from Mary L. Smith $100
Dwelling & improvements $500
Lida M. Smith
18 May 1904 - New House in ENM $1200
31 May 1904 - 2 lots 60x300 feet (for both) from W.M. Fletcher $200
19 September 1905 - reduced by abatement on house & taxes refunded for
1904 & 1905
5 May 1910 - House and 2 lots in ENM to B.W. Sherman
William Stedman
19 May 1910 - lot of land 1/3 acre from Mrs. W.M. Fletcher
B.W. Sherman
5 May 1910 - 2 lots $200, improved $1200, from Lida M. Smith
24 May 1910 - Barn $150
Charles M. Scott
22 May 1903 - Lot on road from ENM to Depot containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvements $500, tenant house $100
1 lot containing 1/8 acre $50, dwelling & improvements $250
13 July 1909 - reduced by lot on road from ENM to Depot containing 1/4
acre and
dwelling & improvements and tenant house to C.W. Demott
Mary L. Smith
1896 - land in ENM on east side of street leading to Cambridge 1/4 acre
Dwelling & improvements $500
Lot adjoining above containing 1/4 acre $100
Dwelling & improvement $500
3 May 1904 - reduced by land & dwelling in ENM on east side of street to
Annie Carmine
reduced by land & dwelling in ENM adjoining above to James M. Smith
Mrs. James H. Thomas
1896 - House & lot in ENM opposite the Baptist Church $800
Brick Hotel & Lot $2650
Dwelling & Lot adjoining the hotel $900
Brick Store House (damaged by fire) $100
Store House adjoining above $200
5 May 1910 - reduced by lot opposite Baptist Church to J. Abdell
Charles Teel & Samuel J. Curtis
1 May 1906 - 1 acre near depot at ENM from W.M. Fletcher
Mrs. Geo. E. Varnes
1896 - 1 lot on south side of street leading to Secretary in ENM $100
Dwelling & improvements $800
Mrs. H. Lee Vickers
22 May 1903 - Dwelling in ENM $700
Mrs. Wm J. Varnes
1896 - 1 lot in ENM on west side of road leading to Cabin Creek 1/4 acre
Dwelling & Improvements $500
Samuel L. Webster
1896 - Rose Hill 272 acres $7220
Lot in ENM 36x60 $100, factory building $600
Lot in ENM on north side of road to Secretary 1/8 acre $50, dwelling &
improvements $150
9 May 1903 - property of the ENM Creamery Company $100
18 May 1904 - new house at ENM Station $100
16 May 1905 - dwelling $800 [ENM?]
18 May 1906 - new dwelling $600 [ENM?]
Mary Willoughby
1896 - lot in ENM adjoining lots of Miss Alice Webster and Mrs. Rebecca
Andrews $150
Dwelling $400, Barn & Stables $50, 1 shop $300, 1 shop $50
7 February 1906 - insolvent
Fred K. Wright
1896 - lot in ENM on Main Street 62x250 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $800
Mrs. Susan J. Wales
1896 - Hotel & Lot $2500
Improvements $200, Store House & lot $1000
Charles Webster
26 May 1900 - House & lot on east side of Main St in ENM from Wm A.
Sherman $400
1 June 1900 - new dwelling on land purchased of Sherman Estate $1500
21 May 1907 - Lot on west side of Main St. ENM 60x150 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements from Katie Hurst $300
Fred Wright
1896 - Masonic Building & Lot in ENM $1500
1910 - reduced Masonic Building & Lot to Thos. O. Jefferson
Charles H. Willis
1896 - 1/2 acre lot in ENM $200
Dwelling, Store House, & Shop $2300
June 1909 - lot near M.E. Church $100, new dwelling $600
H.H. Willoughby
1896 - lot in ENM on west side of road from ENM to Cabin Creek $100
Improvements $800
26 April 1907 - Carriage Shop in ENM from Thos. D. Hooper
Frank Webster
1896 - lot in ENM adjoining Dr. Geo. P. Jones & others containing 1/4
acre $100
Dwelling house $900, Improvements $200
22 May 1903 - Dwelling at ENM $100
Joseph O. Wright
1896 - Lot in ENM on north side of road from ENM to Secretary 90x150
feet $200
Dwelling & improvements $700
21 May 1907 - Reduced all property leased to the Baptist Association of
ENM (not taxable)
Alice Webster
1896 - lot on the west side of Main St in ENM 60x150 feet $100
Dwelling & improvements $600
10 February 1905 - reduced lot & dwelling on the west side of Main St to
Geo. E. Wheatley
Charles T. Willis (C.H. Willis, agent)
1896 - 2 houses & lot
Catherine A. and Henrietta Wright
6 May 1905 - Lot & dwelling in ENM from Mrs. W.M. Fletcher
George E. Wheatley
1905? - Lot on west side of Main St in ENM 60x150 feet from Alice
Webster $100
Dwelling & improvements $600