East New Market

Property Reports

21 Academy Street

Name House

This residence stands behind 19 Academy Street and the Belle Kimmey House.  It is depicted on the 1922 Sanborn Fire Map as a 2 story house with a shingle roof.  Although, "Between the Nanticoke and the Choptank" states this house possible dates from the 1840s, it is not on the 1877 map.  The house was likely built around the turn of the century, but possibly could have been moved from another location.

From "Between The Nanticoke and the Choptank, An Architectural History of Dorchester County, Maryland"   Edited by Christopher Weeks, with contributions by Michael O. Bourne, Geoffrey Henry, Catherine Moore, Calvin Mowbray, M. Fred Tidwell.

This two-story frame house, now covered with asbestos and greatly altered from its original form, was built as a tenement house by Samuel Webster, the owner of Rose Hill farm.  It probably predates the other houses on this street, possibly dating to the 1840s.  Rose Hill, now demolished, was one of the finest Federal period houses in the county, and Rose Hill fame was the largest farm in the area.

From the Maryland Historical Trust - State Historic Sites Inventory Form - 1985

2 1/2 story rectangular house with one story addition.  The building is covered with wood siding covered with asphalt shingles.  The building, which is covered with an asphalt gable roof with exposed rafters, is four bays wide and one bay deep.  The building appears to have been constructed from salvage material because it has a mixture of windows including 6/6, 4/4 and 2/2.  The main entrance is located in the second bay and is covered with a pedimented one bay wide entrance porch.  Inside brick chimneys are located at each end of the roof.