East New Market

Property Reports

6 Main Street

Patten-Clauser House (ca. 1940)

John E. Patten & Amelia Patten of the Veau de L'Eau Corporation built this house around 1940.  The Clausers' lived here and owned the property from 1956 to 2004.

This property was originally a 3/4 of an acre from 1796 to 1811.  In 1811 Robert Travers combined this lot with the house and lot that is now 8 Main Street to form a 1 1/2 acre property.  In 1937, the 1 1/2 acre property was again divided into two lots which now comprise 6 Main Street and 8 Main Street.   The division line between these two lots was not same division line as in 1811.  The lot is 6 Main Street is a little smaller than it was prior to 1811.