Douglas, Ivory, Newman, Turpin, Smoot

Below are links for information about related families of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia.  Noted genealogists, historians, and authors - Mary Caroline Layton Turpin, and Harry Wright Newman compiled most of manuscripts found on these pages.

The Delmarva Turpin's by Mary Caroline Turpin Layton

Turpin of Delaware by Mary Caroline Turpin Layton

Bible of Major Francis Turpin

Douglas Family Tree by Mary Caroline Turpin Layton

Douglas Family Analysis

Rehoboth - Built by Captain John Smoot and home of Major Francis Turpin

Ivory of Virginia and Maryland by Mary Caroline Layton Turpin

The Smoots of Maryland and Virginia by Harry Wright Newman

George Newman in Charles County Gentry by Harry Wright Newman

Ahnentafel of Guliaelena Wilson Turpin

Bible of Hill Smith

Bible of Matthew J.T. Smith

Bible of Risdon L.J. Smith