(Also known as Trinity Hall)
Key date analysis:
When the lands of Thomas J. Helsby were divided in 1874, an old storehouse and blacksmith shop were described at a lot that encompassed this corner along with most of the parking lot area of the the Hometown Pride Market & Deli and the land on which the Tax Office stands. It is clear from the 1877 map of East New Market that the storehouse mentioned in 1874 was not Helsby's Corner Store. In 1882, the Cambridge Chronicle included an item that Mr. Helsby was building a new storehouse in East New Market. Helsby's Corner Store was almost certainly the store being built. Commercial directory listings soon thereafter began to appear. Deeds from the 1890s reference the storehouse of T.J. Helsby being at this location.
Who built it:
Thomas J. Helsby built the storehouse in 1882.
Longest Residents:
The Helsby family owned this property from 1861 to 1936.
More Research:
Historic Records:
149 PLC 99 - 26 September 1966 - Edwin James, Willey Hurley Jr., Matthew Smith, Leland Beckwith Jr., Furman B. Clifton Jr., Ralph O. Wheatley, Wilbur Clifton, Percy Lankford, and Leonard Phillips, Trustees of the East New Market Methodist Church (sometimes known as Trinity Methodist Church) to the Commissioners of East New Market for $5: land that was acquired by the Trustees of the East New Market Methodist Episcopal Church by deed made by Thomas W. Simmons, Trustee, dated 24 August 1936, 34 JFD 342. Beginning for the outlines of the same at the northwest corner of Railroad Avenue and Main Street, from thence running and binding with the northward side of Railroad Avenue, North 74 degrees 15 minutes West, 56 feet, to an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence North 15 degrees 45 minutes East, 52 feet to an iron pipe driven in the ground; thence South 74 degrees 15 minutes east, 56 feet, to the westward side of Main Street, and a pipe driven in the ground; thence with the westward side of Main Street, South 15 degrees 45 minutes West, 52 feet, to the place of beginning, being described as Lot No. 1 in a survey of the said lot made by Lawrence F. Simmons, Surveyor, in the month of August 1932.
34 JFD 342 - 24 August 1936 - Thomas F. Simmons, Trustee of Emma H. Smith, Bankrupt, to the Trustees of the East New Market Methodist Episcopal Church for $1100: lot commonly known as the Helsby corner store property, at the northwest corner or Railroad Avenue and Main Street; James M. Smith, husband of Emma H. Smith, Bankrupt, has waived all rights to the property. Case No. 6740 Docket "W" in Bankrupt Division of U.S. District Court
1930 Census
1920 Census
Deed from 1907 to 1913 describe this property as "the storehouse formerly occupied by Thomas J. Helsby, but at present occupied by A.C. Humphreys".
1910 Census
Deeds from 1901 to 1905 describe this property as "the store house formerly occupied by Thomas J. Helsby".
1900 Census
1899-1901 Dorchester County Commercial Directory - East New Market
W.A. Henry, general store
An 1898 deed for an adjacent property described this as "the store house formerly occupied by Thomas J. Helsby, but occupied at present by W. Albert Henry".
Denton Journal - 17 September
1898 - Obituary Notes -
Thomas Helsby, a well-known East New Market druggist, died very suddenly
Sunday morning, of heart failure.
1896-1897 Dorchester County Commercial Directory - East New Market
W.A. Henry, general store
1896-1910 Tax Record
Helen Helsby
1896 - 1 store house in ENM $1000
Dwelling & lot adjoining store house $600
2 small dwellings & lots near the store house $500
W.A. Henry
Stock in merchandise $2500
3 May 1898 - reduced by abatement on stock merchandise $900
2 May 1902 - reduced by abatement on stock merchandise $1600
1896 Tax
Helen Helsby
1 store house & lot in East New Market $1000
1 Dwelling house & lot adjoining the store house $600
2 small dwelling house & lots near the store house $500
4 CL 579 - 31 October 1895 - Thomas J. Helsby to Bertie F. Helsby for $600: All the stock of drugs, drug fixtures, dry goods and notions and queensware in the store house occupied by Thomas J. Helsby in the town of East New Market. One bay mare "Nellie". One bay colt two years old "Dandy". One top buggy and harness. One horse wagon and harness. One Gem Organ. This is to be absolute sale of the above named property.
1894-1895 Dorchester County Commercial Directory - East New Market
T.J. Helsby, general store & druggist
W.A. Henry, general store
8 CL 18 - 7 November 1892 - Mortgage to Thomas J. Helsby & Roberta F. Helsby from M. Lucia Bryan, wife of Guy L. Bryan for $1700: First - lot of land together with all the buildings thereon including the storehouse now occupied by the said Roberta F. Helsby situated in the town of East New Market described in a deed from Frances E. Byus unto the said Thomas J. Helsby by deed dated 22 April 1872, 8 FJH 435, being the same premises upon which the said Thomas J. Helsby and Roberta F. Helsby now reside. Second - land on the road from East New Market to Cambridge which was conveyed unto the said Thomas J. Helsby by three separate deeds to wit; two from Charles Hughes dated 19 November 1887 and 22 August 1889 in 10 CL 340 and 12 CL 730; and the third from Harrison Hughes & others, heirs of said Charles Hughes, deceased dated 13 March 1890 in 12 CL 623. Third - all the stock in trade fixtures and other personal effects within the store house now occupied by the said Thomas J. Helsby as a drug and general merchandise store in said town of East New Market at the corner of Main Street and the road leading from the depot of the Cambridge and Seaford Railroad through said town to Secretary Creek. Fourth - all the stock in trade, trade fixtures and other personal effects within the store house upon the real estate hereby mortgaged and contained in the first clause of the mortgage describing the mortgage premises, and which store house is now occupied by the said Roberta J. Helsby as a Millinery, Notions, & dry goods store together with all the stock in trade, trade fixtures, and personal effects. Fifth - all household and kitchen furniture and other personal effects in the said house now occupied by them as a dwelling and upon the premises where they now reside consisting of one Parlor set of furniture, one library or sitting room set of furniture, one dining room set of furniture, three sets of bedroom furniture, one organ and tables, stoves, chairs, carpets, and all other articles of furniture in the said house as occupied by them as aforesaid.
1 CL 472 - 7 November 1892 - Mortgage to Thomas J. Helsby & Roberta F. Helsby from M. Lucia Bryan, wife of Guy L. Bryan for $1700: First - lot of land in East New Market purchased from Frances E. Byus by the said Thomas J. Helsby by deed dated 22 April 1872, FJH 8/436, being the same premises upon which the said Thomas J. Helsby and Roberta F. Helsby now reside. Second - land on the road from East New Market to Cambridge. Third - all the stock in trade fixtures and other personal effects within the store house now occupied by the said Thomas J. Helsby as a drug and general merchandise store at the corner of Main Street and the road leading from the railroad depot to Secretary Creek. Fourth - all the stock in trade, trade fixtures...within the store house. Store house is now occupied by the said Roberta J. Helsby as a millinery notions, & dry goods store. Fifth - all household and kitchen furniture and other personal effects in the said house now occupied by them as a dwelling counting, of one Parlor set of furniture, one library or sitting room set of furniture, one dining room set of furniture, three sets of bedroom furniture, one organ and tables, stoves, chairs, carpets, and all other articles of furniture in the said house.
1891-1892 Dorchester County Commercial Directory - East New Market
T.J. Helsby, general store & druggist
W.A. Henry, general store
1887 Dorchester County Commercial Directory - East New Market
T.J. Helsby, drugs
1882 Dorchester County Commercial Directory - East New Market
Joseph J. Helsby, store & druggist
Cambridge Chronicle - 26 April
1882 - E. New Market Items -
Mr. Helsby is building a new storehouse.
1880 Census
1876 Tax
Causine Helsby
1 corner lot & shop in ENM 1/8 acre - $300
1 FJH 492 - 5 May 1874 - Causine Helsby to divide the lands of Thomas Helsby, deceased: A certain Thomas Helsby departed this life in the year 1865, intestate, and seized of certain real estate in the town of East New Market and leaving Frelinghuysen Helsby and your petitioner, the said Causine Helsby his only children and heirs at law, but the said Frelinghuysen Helsby departed this life, intestate, in the year 1872, leaving Emma Helsby his only child and heir at law, who is an infant under the age of 21 years. The petitioner prays that a commission fairly and equally in value between the parties interested. A commission of Kendall M Jacobs, John WM Dean, John W Fletcher, Thos K Smith, and Thos Leckie was appointed. The real estate situated in the town of East New Market consisting of a dwelling house & lot including an old store house & blacksmith shop on the same, and an arable lot of land detached from the dwelling house and lot and adjoining the school house in said town. Running a line from a stone on the Main Street straight to a stone near the fence of Nimrod Newton giving and allowing to Emma Helsby, infant child of Frelinghuysen Helsby, all of the lot and dwelling house and other buildings on the north of said straight line. To the said Causine Helsby, all that part of the house & lot above described lying on the south side of the line as above described running from the Main Street then intersecting with the said Nimrod Newton's fence including the old store house and blacksmith shop - and also the lots of arable land detached as above described near the Episcopal Church of East New Market, beginning at the east corner of the primary school lot.
1870 Census
Dwelling #
1867-1876 Tax Record
Sarah Jane Helsby
1867 - House & Lot $800
1867 - unimproved lot $150
1866 Tax
Sarah Jane Helsby
house & lot $800, unimproved lot $150
East New Market Cemetery
Thomas J. Helsby - d. 10 September 1865 aged 53.
5 FJH 134 - 15 November 1861 - Mary Bramble to Thomas Helsby for $325: lot in the town of East New Market bounded on the east by the county road leading to Cabin Creek and on the south by the road leading to Secretary Creek. Also adjoining lot known as the McCollister Lot and purchased by the said Mary Bramble at the sale of the real estate of Jeremiah Bramble, deceased, and bounded in part on the east by the first described lot and on the south by the said road leading to Secretary Creek.
1852-1864 Tax Record
Thomas Helsby
1862 Lot in New Market from Mary Bramble $200
Mary Bramble
House & Lot $800, Blacksmith's Shop $200, Lot, Shop $100
1862 by lot sold to Thos Helsby $100
Marriage - 27 March 1843 - Dorchester County
Thomas Helsby to Sarah J. Newton
20 HD 398 - 25 October 1802 - Commission Certificate to Joseph
Ennalls, John Stevens, Joseph Whiteley, Edward Whiteley and William
Ennalls, gentlemen. Henry King petitions the court that a certain John
Anderton Mitchell died intestate and seized of lands in Dorchester
County. Your petitioner and a certain Mary King, sister of your
petitioner, of full age, and a certain Mary King the only child and
daughter of a certain Edward King, who was a brother of your petitioner
and is now dead, are entitled to the said lands by inheritance as heirs
at law and representatives of the said John Anderton Mitchell, deceased.
The Mary King, last aforesaid, is a minor. Your petitioner therefore
prayed that the said court will appoint a commission to divide the
lands. Notice was given to Betsy King who the court appointed as
guardian of the said Mary King, who is a minor under the age of 21
years. The Commission estimated the value of the land at 3618 pounds and
divided it.
Re ---For Henry King, 3 parts valued at 1206 pounds:
(2) Beginning for the 2nd lot layed out for Henry King composed of
Sundry parts of tracts of land at the end of 58 perches on the second
line of the land that John Rix sold to John Anderton where stands a
cedar post as No. V at L on the plot and from thence, runs N 75 W 30
perches to another cedar post as No. VI at Q on the plot, then S 17 W
116? 1/2 perches to the main road that leads down to Henry Dickinson's
farm then S 75 E 29 1/2 perches until it comes parallel with the west
side of the granary then N 15 E 3 perches to a cedar post a No. VII at R
on the plot then S 75 E to the main road that leads from New Market to
Cabin Creek and then with the said road to the place of beginning.
Containing 9 1/4 acres.
Re ---for Mary King, daughter of Edward King, deceased, land valued at
1206 pounds
(2) one other lot whereon the Granary
stands. Beginning for said lot at the end of the 3rd line of Henry Kings
9 1/4 acre lot and then runs N 15 E 8 perches to a cedar post as No. VII
at R on the plot, then S 75 E to the main road that leads from Cabin
Creek to Cambridge then S 15 W 18 perches to the main road that leads
from Crotcher's Ferry to Henry Dickinson's farm and then with a straight
line to the place of beginning. Containing 9 square perches of land.
25 Old 9 - 13 June 1771 - Francis Anderton, planter, to John Anderton, merchant, for 10 pounds and a tract called "Sandwich" in the forks of Cabin Creek's branches: (3) Also part of a tract called "Buckland" and part of a tract called "Debate Enlarged", being the land granted by a certain John Rix to the aforesaid John Anderton, deceased. Beginning at the end of 6p in an E course drawn from a marked live oak standing in the edge of a swamp in the fork of Secretary's Creek, being the beginning tree of said John Anderton, deceased, his part of a tract called "Bath", then runs still E 32p, then N 172 1/2p, then E 3p, then N to the branch, then binding with the branch until it intersects a N course from the beginning. Containing 50 acres. John Anderton, deceased, is the father of said Francis Anderton.
11 Old 200 - 29 June 1743 - John Rix to John Anderton in consideration of 50 acres of land lying in the fork of Secretarys Creek being a part of a tract of land called "Westward" as by deed bearing equal date with there presents may more fully appear: land being a part of "Buckland" and part of "Debate Enlarged". Beginning at the end of 6p in an east course drawn from a marked live oak standing in in the leg of a swamp in the fork of Secretarys Creek, being the beginning of said Andertons part of a tract Bath, then runs still East 32p, then N 172 1/2p, then E 3p, then N to the branch, then binding with the branch until it intersects a north course from the beginning. Containing 50 acres.