East New Market

Tax Records

1867-1876 Tax Record

Dorchester County Board of County Commissions
Assessment Record
Maryland State Archives C687-29
Election District 2

Part of the 1867-1876 Dorchester County District 2 tax record was separated by East New Market Corporation.  Entries added after 1867 were not separated by East New Market Corporation, but many of these later entries identified real estate as being in East New Market.  I transcribed all real estate and stock in trade entries for property in East New Market and for people known to be living in East New Market at the time.  Due to time considerations I did not transcribe the personal property owned for the 1867-1876 record.

Corporation of East New Market

Tilghman Andrews
(many properties & judgments)
1875 lot 3/4 acre from Dr. H.W. Houston
1876 Stock in Trade in ENM $2000

Jane Atkinson -
1871 - 1 house & lot in New Market $1000

John Baker -
1868 Lots in E.N. Market from Dean's heirs [2nd lot]
1869 Lot in E.N. Market from ___
1870 Lots in E.N. Market charged to Mgt. A. Baker [2nd lot]

Mrs. Margaret A. Baker
1870 Lots in E.N. Market (on to John Baker) $600 [2nd lot]
1870 Improvements on the same $1000
1875 House & Lot from J.M. Murphey $1500

Job W. Beckwith

James A. Bramble

Joseph K. Bramble
removed 1868

Mary Bramble
1867 House and Lot $1500
1867 Unimproved Lot $200
1868 Unimproved Lot to John Baker $200
1874 B lot to Joseph Buck $100

Joseph Buck
1873 Lot & New Dwelling $400
1874 Lot from Mary Bramble $100
1875 Improvements $600

James A. Byus
Tavern House & Lot $1000

Shadrach Carmine
1872 - House & Lot in E. New Market  -  $1000

William Christopher
1867 - House & Lot 7 acres - House and lot 7 acres $2000
1867 - House & Lot 7 acres to Major S. Fletcher $2000
removed to Baltimore

Samuel E. Collins
1867 - House, lot, and wharf at Cabin Creek 3/4 acre - $800
Lot of land 15A @$10  - $150
Private securities $1000, 1 horse $100, 1 cow $20 - $1120
2 hogs $15, 4 beds $80, furniture $50, Carriage $150  -  $295
Cart $10, Residue $25  $35
Judgment vs. John B. Wallis - $247
Judgment vs. J. B. Wallis and A. A. Wilson - $213
1869 - Judgment vs. James A. Bramble garnishes of lanler? - $66
1869 - Land from JS Spence & wife 10A @ $15  -  $153
1871 - House & lot from Dr. James T. Jacobs & wife - $1000
1874 - Storehouse from Josiah Helsby & wife - $1000
1875 - Judgment vs. Jas. R. Webster  -  $300
1876 - Lot near E. New Market 2 1/2A @ $20 of Dr. James T. Jacobs  -  $53

Samuel Collins
1867 - 1 horse $75, 3 hogs $12, 1 cow $20, 1 bed $20, residue $5 - $132

Thomas Collins
1873 - Lot & New dwelling in corporation $700

William P. Conaway & wife
1872 - insolvent

Frances H. Dean

Charles J. Dean (Francis H. Dean, guardian)

John Dean's heirs
1867 - House & lot, 2 story $1800
1867 - House & lot, single story $1000
1867 - Unimproved lot 4 acres  $200
1867? - Houses & Lots - $3000

John W.M. Dean
1868 - Land formerly owned by Mary Bramble 3 1/2 acres $50
1873 - House & Lot & Vacant Lot from Mrs. Wm V.M. Edmondson

Andrew Dukes
1873 Lot & new dwelling $500 (ENM?)

J. Kent Dukes
1867? - personal removed

Eugenia S.M. Edmondson
1867 - House & lot - $800
1869 - House & Lot & Vacant Lot from Capt. John Stewart - $1600 
1873 - House & Lot & Vacant Lot to J.W.M. Dean - $1600

Ann F. Ennalls
exempt by law

Rev. Edward G. Erwin
removed to somewhere

Major S. Fletcher
1867 - Store House, lot, & shop 1 1/2 acres $1200
1867 - unimproved lot 35 acres $1400
1867 - House & Lot from J. Davis heirs $1400
1867 - House & Lot 7 acres from William Christopher $2000
1872 - New dwelling in ENM $4000

William E. Harrison
1867 - House & Lot $500
1867 - unimproved Lot 1 acre $100
1872 - House & Lot charged to Thomas B. Sherman $500
1872 - unimproved Lot charged to Thomas B. Sherman $100

Josiah Helsby
1869 - Store House in New Market from J.T. Jacobs & wife - $500
goods, wares, & merchandise $1000

Sarah Jane Helsby
1867 - House & Lot $800
1867 - unimproved lot $150

Thomas Helsby (Helsbury)
1873 - Stock in trade $1000
1874 - To land 150 acres - $1200 and improvements $900 from Isaac Wright

John T. Hickman
personal property removed

Dr. John E. Hooper (Wm Holland admin)
1867 - House, Lot, & Office 2 acres $2000
1871 - Assets as per register return

William R. Hooper
1867 - Stock in trade leather $140

William Hooper
1867 - House & Lot $1200
1867 - Shop & Lot $300

Dr. Henry W. Houston
1867 - House, Lot & Office 1 1/2 acres $2000

Eliza Hubbard
1869 - House & Lot in New Market $1000

Charles Hughes (colored)
1869 - part of Carthagenia 9 acres $180

William J. Hurley
1873 - removed to Cambridge

Dr. James T. Jacobs
1867 - House & Lot where he lives 2 acres $2500
1867 - House & Lot & Store house where Murphy lives $1500
1867 - unimproved lot 8 acres $320
1869 - Store house to Josiah Helsby $500
1871 - House & Lot where Murphy lives to S.E. Collins $1000
1874 - part of unimproved lot 1 acre to wife of C. Willis $40

Kendall M. Jacobs
1867 - livestock $275
1871 - transferred

Murphy & Jacobs
1867 - stock in trade $2000
1868 - stock in trade sold to Manning $2000

Alward Johnson
1871 - House & Lot from Levi S. Johnson $1600
1876 - House & Lot to Elbridge S. Johnson

Elbridge S. Johnson
1872 - Stock in trade ENM $2000
1876 - House & Lot in ENM from Alward Johnson heirs $1600

Levi S. Johnson
1867 - House & Lot $1600
1868 - Stock in trade $2000
1871 - House & Lot to Alward Johnson $1600
1871 - personal disposed of $2266

Mrs. Harrington & Jones
1867 - Stock in trade millinery goods $200
1868 - removal $200

Dr. George P. Jones
1873 - 1 horse $100, 1 carriage $50, furniture $50

James H. Jones
1867 - 1 horse $100

Moses Jones
1867 - House & Lot from Ebben Prouse, 3 acres, $50

John Q. Leckie
1867 - Store House & Lot $600
1867 - Dwelling House & Lots $700
1867 - Stock in trade $2000

Louisa LeCompte Heirs, Algernon S. Percy, Admr.
1867 - House & Lot $1000

Dr. Anthony L. Manning
1867 - Tavern Property $3000
1867 - House & Lot where Jacobs lives $1600
1867 - Store House where J.W. Beckwith keeps and...
1867 - ...Store House where Mrs. Harrington & Jones keeps $1200

James M. Murphy
1873 - House & Lot $1500
1876 - Judgment vs. Mary V. Phillips & Jas. R. Phillips
1875 - by House & Lot to Margaret A. Baker $1500

Nimrod Newton
1867 - House, Lot, & Shop $400
1867 - Stock in Trade Lumber $75, U.S. Bonds $500, carpenters tools $10
1872 - Lot No. 1, 24 1/2 acres; Lot No. 2, 33 3/4 acres $699
by Stock in Trade $75

Wilbur F. Newton
1868 - House & Lot in town of East New Market (corrected 1873) $400
1873 - House & Lot from S. Sewels Heirs

James R. Phillips
1872 - House & Lot in E. New Market $1200

Celia J. Purse
1871 - Lot of land adjoining John Corkran from Dean $100

John J. Purse
1867 - House, Lot, and Blacksmith Shop $700
Stock in Trade $50
1868 - Store House & Carriage Shop $300

Cassiday Rawlings
1867 - Private Securities $400

Elizabeth Rawlings
1867 - House & Lot $300

James W. Rawlings & wife
1867 - House & Lot $250
1873 - House & Lot charged to Jas. R. Phillips
1873 - personal estate removed to Baltimore

Harriett Saxton
1867 - "Carthagenia" 241 acres $4820

William S. Saxton
1867 - 2 cows $40, 3 beds $60, furniture $20

Samuel Sewell's Heirs, T.J. Hicks, agent
1867 - House & Lot $700
1867 - Unimproved lot, stables, shop, & lot $200
1873 - House & Lot charged to Wm F. Newton $700
1873 - Unimproved lot, stables, shop, & lot to Willoughby $200

Thomas B. Sherman
1872 - House & Lot from Wm. E. Harrison (N.M.) $500
1872 - one unimproved lot 1 acre, $100

James T. Smith
1867 - "Carthagenia" 390 acres $7800
1869 - sold 9 acres to Chas. Hughes $180

James T. Smith
1867 - House & Lot $700
1867 - Private Securities $1700, 3 beds $60, furniture $20
1872 - House & Lot charged to Louisa Smith $700
1872 - Personal all off $1780

Mary L. Smith (Jas. M. Smith, minor)
1876 assets per register's return $1916

Louisa Smith, widow of J.T. Smith
1872 - House & Lot from J.T. Smith $700

Thomas K. Smith, & James R. Phillips, Admin of J.T. Smith
1870 - judgment vs. Kendal M. Jacobs $266
1870 - assets per register's return $3700
1871 - judgment vs. James W. Webster $130

Thomas K. Smith
1867 - Private Securities $75, 2 beds $40, furniture $15, plate $10

Jeffry Stanly (colored)
1867 - House & Lot 18 acres $720

Elizabeth H. Staplefort
1867 - stock in trade (milliner) $200

Capt. John H. Stewart
1867 - House & Lot $1500
1867 - Unimproved Lot $100
1867 - Schooner "Sebastopol" $1000
7 May 1869 - by House & Lot to Eugenia S.M. Edmondson
and Shooner "Sebastopol $1000
1873 - personal estate removed to Baltimore

Samuel J. Travers
1867 - 3 beds $60, furniture $30
1867 - exempt by law

Henry E. Waggaman (J.W.M Dean, Admr.) [ENM?]
1867 assets per register's return $187
1875 assets paid over

Eliza A. Waggaman (J.W.M. Dean, Admr.) [ENM?]
1867 assets per register's return $187
1875 no assets on hand

John Webster
1867 - "New Market" 235 acres $7050

Samuel Webster
1872 - "Rose Hill" 416 acres $10400

Charles Willis
1867 - Lot & Shop 1/2 acre $100 [ENM?]

Charles T. Willis
1867 - House, Lot, and Store House 3 3/4 acres $1200
1867 - Stock in Trade $20, working tools $10
1870 - by stock in trade $20, working tools $10

Ann R. Willis
1874 - by part of unimproved lot from Dr. Jacobs & others 1 acre $40

William Willoughby, guardian to Fre. Helsby
1872 - assets as for register's return $189

William Willoughby
1867 - 1 hog $10, horse $75, 4 beds $80, furniture $30, working tools $50
1874 - Lot on west side of street, E. N. Market
1874 - New Shop $200
1867 - by working tools $50, horse $75

Willoughby & Carmine
1867 - stock in trade, lumber &c. $200
1868 - by stock in trade $200

Isaac H. Wright
1874 - House at New Market (Masonic Hall & c.) $1500

[to research/link = Collins 2 1/2 acre lot near ENM of Jacobs, Dean land formerly of Bramble, Jacobs unimproved 8 acres, Jacobs unimproved lot to C.Willis, M.Jones house & lot of Prouse, W.Newton 1868 house & lot, C.Purse near Corkran & Dean, C.Willis shop, A.Willis unimproved lot.]