East New Market

Property Reports

19 Main Street

McAllen House

Key date analysis:

James Sulivane designated this 1 acre property as Lot 9.  However, he did not sell the property in the 1790s along with the rest of his 17 lots.  He retained this lot and Lot 8, which was also 1 acre.  A court action in 1802, conveyed James Sulivane's house & 2 acre lot.  The property consisted of this 1 acre vacant lot and the improved 1 acre lot to the immediate south.  By 1847 Eliza J. Hicks owned this 2 acre property along with a much larger part of the New Market tract.  In 1858, she sold the vacant 1 acre part of this lot to Dr. John E. Hooper, who owned the house and lot adjoining to the north.  Dr. Hooper combined the two properties into another two acre lot.  This 1 acre part of his new 2 acre lot was still unimproved on the 1877 map.  This 2 acre property remained as a single property until 1948 when the smaller front section of the current lot was separated from the property to the north and sold to H. Webster McAllen.  McAllen likely built this house shortly after he purchased the lot in 1948.  In 1961, Webster McAllen purchased the larger rear part of this lot.  The 1 acre lot still retains the approximate boundaries it had when James Sulivane created it around 1790.

Who built it:

H. Webster McAllen likely built this house shortly after he purchased the lot in 1948.

Longest Residents:

H. Webster McAllen & Virginia McAllen 31 years

More Research:


Historic Records:

210 PLC 614 - 24 July 1979 - H. Webster McAllen & Virginia R. McAllen to Malcolm W. McAllen & Robina K. McAllen, his wife, for $5: 
(Parcel No. 1) - Beginning on the east side of Main Street where there is a concrete post and from thence in an eastward direction and parallel with the easterly and westerly line on the northward side of the whole lot 154 feet to another concrete boundary set as a division line between the land hereby conveyed and the part of the whole lot retained by the said Maria J. Saxton, thence in a southward direction and parallel with Main Street 71 feet to a concrete boundary, thence in a westward direction and parallel with the first line 154 feet to the eastward side of said street and to a concrete boundary there planted, thence in a northward direction binding upon the side of the street 71 feet tot he place of beginning.  Bounded on the north and east by the land of said Maria J. Saxton, on the south by the land of the heirs of Ollie Webster, and on the west by Main Street.
(Parcel No. 2) - unimproved lot lying back from the eastward side of Main Street and not binding thereon, commencing at the end of the first course as given in the deed from Maria J. Saxton and Clarence L. Saxton, her husband, unto Hammond W. McAllen Jr. dated 24 July 1948 in 66 RSM 464 and from thence running as an extension of said first course eastward 400 feet to the southeast corner of said McAllen lot, thence running and binding with said McAllen lot 71 feet to the place of beginning.
Being the same lots conveyed unto the grantors by the two aforesaid deeds dated 13 February 1961 in 122 PLC 475 and 11 March 1963 in 132 PLC 453.

132 PLC 453 - 11 March 1963 - Georgia Jones Johnson of Palm Beach County, Florida, executrix of the estate of Maria Jones Saxton, deceased, to H. Webster McAllen & Virginia R. McAllen, his wife, for $220:  Whereas by her Last Will and Testament dated 9 May 1956, the said Maria Jones Saxton conferred upon her said executrix the power to sell her estate.  All that unimproved lot in the town of East New Market lying back from the eastward side of Main Street and not binding thereon, commencing at the end of the first course given in the deed from Maria J. Saxton & Clarence L. Saxton, her husband, unto Hammond W. McAllen Jr. dated 24 July 1948 in 66 RSM 464, and from thence running as an extension of said first course, eastward 400 feet to the southeast corner of said McAllen lot, thence running and binding said McAllen lot 71 feet to the place of beginning.  The said lot being a part of the land which was conveyed unto the said Maria Jones Saxton by deed from Georgia G. Johnson & Edward B. Johnson, her husband dated 21 April 1911 in 3 WLR 511.

122 PLC 475 - 13 February 1961 - Clarence H. Corkran Jr., Trustee to Hammond W. McAllen & Virginia R. McAllen, his wife, for $5:  Whereas by deed of even date Hammond W. McAllen & Virginia R. McAllen, his wife, conveyed the land unto Clarence H. Corkran Jr., Trustee, to the end that he would forthwith reconvey said property to them in order to accomplish the purpose of this deed.  Lot with buildings on the east side of the Main Street leading through the town from the Methodist Church, and being part of the home place property of Maria J. Saxton, which was conveyed unto the said Maria J. Saxton as Maria A. Saxton by deed from Georgie G. Johnson and others dated 21 April 1911 in 3 WLR 511.  [described as parcel 1 in 210 PLC 614]  The said property being conveyed is bounded on the northward and eastward by the land of the said said Maria J. Saxton, on the southward by the land of the heirs of Ollie Webster, and on the westward by Main Street.  The said property described and intended to be conveyed is the same which was conveyed by deed unto the said H. Webster McAllen as Hammond W. McAllen Jr. from Maria J. Saxton & Clarence L. Saxton, her husband, dated 24 June 1948 in 66 RSM 464.

[1 lot]  66 RSM 464 -24 June 1948 - Maria J. Saxton & Clarence L. Saxton, her husband, to Hammond W. McAllen Jr.:  Unimproved land on the eastward side of the Main Street leading through the town of East New Market from the Methodist Church, and being part of the home place property of the said Maria J. Saxton, which property was conveyed to her by a deed from Georgia G. Johnson and others dated 21 April 1911 in 3 WLR 511.  [described as parcel 1 in 210 PLC 614]

[2 lots]  3 WLR 511 - 21 April 1911 - Georgie G. Johnson & Edward B. Johnson, her husband, of Washington, DC, and Mary A. Snyder & J. Douglas Snyder, her husband, of Frostburg, Maryland, to Maria A. Saxton for $5:  Lot in the town of East New Market situated on the east side of the road that leads from the M.E. Church towards Cabin Creek, adjoining the property formerly of Mrs. Ollie Webster on the south, the property of George Hicks on the east, the property formerly owned by E.W. Reid on the north, and said Street on the west, and being the property whereon the said Maria A. Saxton at present resides.  Being the same parcel, which Dr. George P. Jones, by his last will and testament, in 2 JWP 263, devised unto his three daughters, Maria A. Jones (now Maria A. Saxton), Georgie G. Jones (now Georgie G. Johnson), and Mary A. Jones (now Mary A. Snyder).  And being the same parcel that was conveyed unto the said Dr. George P. Jones by Samuel L. Webster, executor of the last will and testament of John Webster, deceased, by deed dated 7 September 1888 in 11 CL 417.

2 JWP 263 - 15 March 1900 / 6 April 1901 - Will of Dr. George P. Jones
In the name of God, Amen: I being of sound mind, memory, but knowing the uncertainty of human life, do now write and publish this, my last will and testament, that is to say I bequeath unto my daughters, Maria A. Jones, Georgia G. Jones, and Mary H. Jones, after all my debts are paid, all my possessions, that I may have at my death.
George P. Jones.  Signed, sealed, published, and declared by the said Geo. P. Jones.

1896-1910 Tax Record
George P. Jones
1896 - lot on east side of Main St. in ENM containing 2 acres $400
Dwelling $800, office $100
Barn, Stable, & other outbuildings $300
15 May 1902 - by person in hands of administrator
3 June 1903 - All real property to Maria A, Georgia P, and Mary Jones
Maria A, Georgia P, and Mary Jones

1903 - lot on east side of Main St. in ENM containing 2 acres
Dwelling $800, office $100, barn & other outbuildings $300

1896 Tax Record
Geo. P. Jones
1 lot situated on the east side of Main Street in the town of East New Market containing 2 acres $400
Dwelling house $800, office $100
Barn, stable, & other outbuildings $300

[2 lots] 11 CL 417 - 7 September 1888 - Samuel L. Webster, executor of the last will and testament of John Webster, deceased, to Dr. George P. Jones for $1600:  Sold at a private sale on 19 June 1888.  The dwelling house and lot now occupied by the said George P. Jones as a residence.  Lot in the town of East New Market on the east side of the street leading from the M.E. Church towards Cabin Creek, and lying between the property of Edward W. Reed on the north and William H. Andrew on the south, and extending from the street on the west back to the lands of the late Thomas J. Hicks on the east, now occupied by F.H. Camper.  Being the same property which was conveyed to the said John Webster by James Wallace, Trustee, by deed dated 7 October 1878 in 12 FJH 603.

[2 lots] 12 FJH 603 - 7 October 1878 - James Wallace, Trustee, to John Webster :  By a decree of the circuit court in the case of Samuel G. Bilyier & Henrietta M. Bilyier, his wife, versus John H. Hooper and others No. 834 of the Chancery Court docket of the circuit court, James Wallace was appointed Trustee to sell the house and lot decreed.  House and lot in the town of East New Market.  Beginning at a point on the street that runs through said village toward Cabin Creek and by the dwelling of Dr. H.W. Houston at the NW corner, the same when it intersects or joins the lot now owned by Mr. E.W. Reed, then running and binding with said Reed's lot on the north, eastwardly to the land of Thomas J. Hicks, then south with said Hicks land to the intersection with the lot of JWM Dean on the south, then westwardly with said Dean's lot to the said street, then with said street to the beginning..

17 July 1874 - The bill of complaint of S.G. Bilyieu & Henrietta M. Bilyieu, his wife, humbly shows that heretofore a certain John E. Hooper, deceased was in his lifetime possessed of certain real estate, and being so possessed sometime in 1869, departed this life intestate leaving your oratrix Henrietta M. Bilyieu and John H. Hooper, Oliver P. Hooper, Maud Hooper, Isabella Hooper, Hayward Hooper, and Sydney Hooper his only children and heirs at law.  And that John H., Oliver P., Maud, Isabella, Hayward, and Sydney are infants under the age of 21.  The real estate is incapable of division among the parties aforesaid with advantage and without loss and injury to all concerned.  They all reside in Philadelphia.  1 May 1875, John H. Hooper has arrived at the age of 21, but is still residing beyond the limits of the State of Maryland. 
Deposition - William Holland, a witness of lawful age.  He knew Dr. John E. Hooper in his lifetime.  He departed this life in 1869, leaving a widow named Maria Hooper, aged witness thinks about 40 years and of a rather delicate constitution.  John E. Hooper left as children and heirs at law [above].  Henrietta Bilyieu is above the age of 21 and so is John H. Hooper who reached age 21 on 17 July 1874.  All other children are under age 21.  Dr. John E. Hooper died possessed of a house and lot in East New Market, now in the occupancy of a Mr. Varnes, and worth about $1500 or $2000; and also small farm adjoining the town of East New Market and containing 40-50 acres, valued at about $1500 or $2000; also another lot on the road leading from New Market to Harrison containing about 10 acres, covered with Pine bushes valued at about $200 to $300.  The enclosures of the lot in town and of the farm are in very bad condition and need extensive repairs, and for want of such repairs are constantly depreciating in value.
Deposition - Josiah Helsby, a witness of lawful age.  He was acquainted with Dr. John E. Hooper.  That he has departed leaving a widow, Maria Hooper, aged about 40 years.  When witness knew her several years ago, she enjoyed pretty good health.  [similar to above].  The farm is running down very fast.  There is no timber to enclose it.  The fencing and houses are in very dilapidated condition, and need extensive repairs, and unless such repairs are made the place will become almost useless.
The house and lot in East New Market was sold at auction to John Webster for $1456.50.  The cut-down wood lot containing about 15-20 acres near East New Market bordering the Dorchester and Delaware Rail Road and on the county road leading to the village of Harrison, adjoining the lands of W.T. Hubbard on the south and the lands of Morris Cummings on the north, was sold to William T. Hubbard for $100.  The small farm called "Carthagena" near the village of East New Market and on the road from said village to Cambridge and being the same land that Dr. J.E. Hooper purchased of James T. Smith and wife.  There seemed to be an understanding among bidders not to compete with each other, the trustee deemed it best not to accept any of the bids, but withdrew the said land from sale, and subsequently the farm was sold to Samuel E. Collins on 29 January 1877 at private sale for $1005.  Trustee thinks it was a fair sale and the very best that could be done.

1876 Tax Record
Dr. George P. Jones
Notes of hand $20, 1 horse $100, 2 hogs $10, 1 carriage $60,
Library & furniture in office $75, 1 silver watch $10, 4 beds $80, Lot H furniture $75
[1876 tax record does not indicate who owns lot.]

1867-1876 Tax Record
Dr. John E. Hooper (Wm Holland admin)
1867 - House, Lot, & Office 2 acres $2000
1871 - Assets as per register return

1866 Tax Record
Dr. John E. Hooper
House, lot, & office 2 acres $2000

[The Dean lot was P12 unless the Dean's also owned this lot.  Therefore in the 1878 deed both P13 and P14 were conveyed.  From the descriptions in 12 FJH 603 and 3 FJH 183, it is clear this is the same referenced lot.  Dr. John Edwin Hooper passed the land to his son, John H. Hooper.]

5 FJH 210 - 29 September 1858 - Eliza Hicks & Thomas J. Hicks & Adaline Hicks, his wife, to John E. Hooper for $160:  lot in the town of East New Market on the east side of Main Street.  Beginning at a store standing on the southwest corner of a lot formerly known as the Tan Yard property, purchased of the heirs of Mary Ann Travers by the said John E. Hooper and on the east side of Main Street, thence running with said street to a fence established as a divisional line between the said John E. Hooper and John L. Willis, thence with that fence until it intersects the lands of Eliza Hicks or Thomas J. Hicks, thence with that land or fence until it intersects the lot formerly known as the Tanyard property, thence binding therewith to the said street and beginning.

1852-1864 Tax Record
Dr. John E. Hooper
1863 lot of land in ENM from Eliza H. Hicks & others $18
Eliza Hicks

part of tract of land New Market 166 acres $1992
1/2 acre of New Market $6

Marriage - 7 January 1846 - John E. Hooper to Maria Travers

3 WJ 308 - 22 February 1847 - James A. Stewart & Rebecca R. Stewart, his wife, to Eliza Hicks and Thomas J. Hicks for $9150:  the undivided half part of all three tracts or parts of tracts near the town of East New Market called "New Market", "Littletons Last Shift", "Ridgeland", "Prestonvale", "Adventure", and "Buckland".  Containing 607 1/2 acres.  Being the same lands owned by Elizabeth V. & Henrietta Eccleston, children of James Eccleston.  The undivided half of said lands were purchased by James A. Stewart from Thomas W. Anderson & Elizabeth K, his wife, (formerly Elizabeth K. Eccleston), and George W McClean, who intermarried with Henrietta Eccleston, as by reference to said deed will appear.  The other undivided half of said lands were purchased by Henry W. Hicks from Thomas W. Anderson and wife.

3 WJ 127 - 5 September 1846 - Thomas W. Anderson & Elizabeth K. Anderson, his wife, to James A. Stewart for $7000?:  tract called "New Market" near the town of New Market, and upon which James Sulivane resided in his lifetime and upon which a certain Henry W. Hicks resided at the time of his death and upon which his family now resides.  500? acres.

2 WJ 146 - 11 June 1844 - Thomas W. Anderson & Elizabeth Kemp Anderson, his wife, to Henry W. Hicks for $3400:  right to all their undivided half part of all that tract called "New Market", lying near the town of New Market, and upon which the said  Henry W. Hicks resides.

Marriage - 9 November 1841 - George McLean to Henrietta M. Eccleston

1838 New Market District Tax Assessment List
Elizabeth H & Henrietta M Eccleston (call on Thomas White), real estate $2759, personal estate $0

Marriage - 6 March 1838 - Thomas W. Anderson to Elizabeth K. Eccleston

Marriage - 31 January 1837 - James A. Stewart to Rebecca S. Eccleston

[Prior to 1827, this lot P13 was part of the lot to the south P12 since the combined lot is referred to as 2 acres.  The chain of title though 1847 is likely accurate.  Sometime between 1847 and 1855, P13 exchanged hands and it became part of the lot to the north P14.  P13 was only a separate lot after 1948.  However, it appeared as a separate lot on the 1877 map.]

10 ER 544 - 29 October 1827 - Thomas H. Hicks, Sheriff, to Elizabeth Eccleston and Henrietta Eccleston of Cambridge for $50:  The Sheriff was directed to sell said farm and plantation and attached lands whereon Daniel Sulivane resides by court decree on 15 June 1826 in the Court Case of Nicholas Hammond against Daniel Sulivane, Physician.  Situated near the town of New Market consisting of the following tracts of land:  (1) a lot in New Market containing 2 acres; (2) a tract called New Market containing 364 1/4 acres; (3) a tract called "Littletons Last Shift containing 100 acres; (4) a tract called "Ridge Land" containing 9 1/4 acres; (4) a tract called "Preston Vale" containing 30 acres; (5) a tract called "Adventure" containing 100 acres, and (6) a tract called "Buckand" containing 4 acres.  Initially no bidders, then bidder John Donoho did not pay, then Elizabeth Eccleston and Henrietta Eccleston bought then entire estate plus residence at a later auction for $50.

[Mary Sulivane Eccleston was a sister to Daniel Sulivane, and may have been an heir.]

2 ER 115 - 27 June 1812 - Clement Sulivane to Daniel Sulivane for $100: lot in a village called New Market. Beginning at a marked cedar post standing on the street in New Market and running easterly with the line of a lot belonging to representatives of Thomas Jackson, deceased, to the end of his line thence with post & rail fence to the northward to the corner of Charles Lecompte's lot, thence binding with that line westerly to the main road, thence binding with the said road to the first beginning. Containing 2 acres of land.

20 HD 554 - 24 October 1803 - Ezekiel Richardson, Sheriff of Dorchester County, to Clement Sulivane for 66 pounds: On 10 February 1802, a writ in the name of Clement Sulivane against James Sulivane out of the General Court of the Eastern Shore, the Sheriff of Dorchester County is ordered to sell (1) a house and lot of James Sulivane. Beginning at a marked cedar post standing on the street in New Market and running Easterly with the line of a lot belonging to Thomas Jackson to the end of his line, thence with a post and rail fence to the northward to the corner of Charles LeCompte's lot, thence binding with that line westerly to the main road, thence binding with said road to the first beginning. Containing 2 acres.